by Competiton math Point



UPTET 2020 preparation app will provide you all syllabus of UPTET(Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam which will be held in October 2020. This app consists of all learning material related to CTET PEDAGOGY, UPTET PEDAGOGY, MPTET CHILD DEVELOPMENT, BTET CHILD DEVELOPMENT and so on based on the UPTET 2020 and other upcoming different state tet exam. We are doing our best to provide you the right and to the point syllabus of UPTET 2020 EXAM and UPTET PEDAGOGY PREPARATION, which can help you boost your knowledge and achieve your goal in the upcoming UPTET AND CTET EXAM 2020.UPTET 2020 preparation includes the following topics-• UPTET 2020: Important ONLINER• UPTET SUBJECTWISE SECTION• UPTET 2020 Syllabus• UPTET Question sets• UPTET MCQs• UPTET COMPLETE NOTES• UPTET PEDAGOGY• UPTET EXAM ENTIRE PREPARATION• UPTET 2020 Test Series• PEDAGOGY NOTES for UPTET Exam• CHILD DEVELOPMENT One Liner Questions• PEDAGOGY For UPTET AND CTET EXAM preparation• PEDAGOGY Hindi Notes• UPTET BAL VIKAS a to z syllabus.• TET And UPTET 2020 Bal Vikas complete notes and syllabus• Detailed notes on pedagogy.• Each and every topic has a detailed note and well described.1. हिन्दी वर्णमाला, विराम चिह्न2. शब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना, अर्थ3. शब्द रूप4. समास5. सन्धि6. अलं कार7. छंद8. रस9. वर्तनी तथा वाक्यगत अशुद्धियाँ10. उपसर्ग11. प्रत्यय12. पर्यायवाची13. विलोम14. अनेकार्थक शब्द15. अनेक शब्दों के स्थान पर एक शब्द16. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियां17. विशेष्य एवं विशेषण18. अपठित गद्यांश एवं पद्यांश